Episode 242

Published on:

22nd Feb 2025

Luke & R2 to Make Galaxy's Edge Pit Stop

Welcome to episode 242, Star Wars fans!

We're kicking off with a shake-up to Galaxy's Edge in Disney Land (NOT Disney World in Florida) as Luke and R2 are set to make appearances from the end of March to the beginning of May.

Elsewhere in the galaxy, Sigourney Weaver teases her role in the upcoming Mando movie, Daisy Ridley gives an update on the script for her upcoming film and some very cool items are going up for auction soon.

Also, SoR listener, a reminder that this is our last standard weekly episode. We're moving to a seasonal format with a few bonus episodes thrown in here and there. Our next episode will be a Star Wars Celebration special in mid-April then our first season proper will be in June with our review of Andor Season 2 plus some cool interviews.

Until our next encounter, take care of yourselves and may the Force be with you... always.

The news stories from around the galaxy that we discussed on this episode...

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Hello there and welcome to Spark of Rebellion. This is your weekly Star wars podcast. My name's Garry.

I'm one of your hosts here and welcome to episode 204. 42. This is our last one for a little while.

If you listen, last week we gave you the heads up, we gave you the skinny on what's going to be happening with Spark Rebellion moving forward. We have just a very quick recap. We decided to go a little bit a change on the format.

We're going to move to a seasonal format instead of the ongoing episodic.

It just means that we can put some better content together for you guys and not feel like we turn up every week and talk about the same stuff and and not be as enthusiastic about Star wars which is the last thing that anybody wants. So this is the last one for our. We will be back I'll remind you at the end of the show as well.

But we will be back after Star wars celebration mid to late April to give you our thoughts on the the probable big announcements from from Disney and Lucasfilm there for upcoming Star wars projects etc. So tune back in then. And then after that we will be back to review the second season of Andor.

Plus some other fancy schmancy bits of Star wars content, some interviews and whatnot. So we'll keep you up to date on that. But this week we have got a few news items to go through.

Surprisingly this is one of the reasons why we went seasonal because the news is very light thin on the ground these days. But we have got a few things. We've got Luke, Luke Skywalker turning up at some point in the future to Galaxy's Edge.

We've got some stuff going up for auction. Daisy Ridley giving a non update as usual on the upcoming project for her film and also going to pull out the big guns.

One of Syfy's most renowned female actors in a couple of big franchises, Sigourney Weaver gives an update on her involvement in an upcoming Star wars thing. So plenty to talk about. Let's bring on my co host then. Let's bring him on. It's. It's Palpatine's right hand man.

I'm not gonna say what he does with that right hand, just that yeah.


Someone'S got to do it.


Someone's got to do it mate. And I think your hand skills are. You're overqualified.


But I am actually whatever. It's not through practice. It's more through natural talent and a requirement to serve on anything else? Yeah, yeah, and whatever, you know, whatever.

And it is a good pub up there as well. Yeah. So it's. Don't judge until you've been in. What happens in lock ins. Not that there are lock ins. You know, don't get them anymore, does it?




Up to them, in a way.


It's their. It's their choice. And this is Mark Asquith.




Coaster number two or number one? Yeah, he's most important, I would say. He's the voice. Yeah, Number one.


You've got the. You've got the pro voice. Think about it as well. Like, Palpatine did have sexual intercourse with someone in order to get the children.


No, he didn't. No.


Are you sure?


Yeah. Wasn't it that cringy storyline with he. He used the. The Force to impregnate shmee.


Now, was it that?


I'm sure it was via the Force. Cheeky Force.


How has he not got cancelled then? You know what I mean? Gino de Campo, he's gone.


Oh, God. Yeah.


You know what I mean? Palpatine's like just doing. From like 42 million light years away. He's getting away with it.


Yeah. I mean, sound alibi.




So you. Yeah, I was on a Death Star. Yeah.




Prequel too. Yeah.


It's a trap. It is. And that's the problem.




Christ. No.


Well, we kind of believe you more than her.




Because she's saying that no one's touched her. Just like a, you know. You know, the. The mark of God. Impregnated without intercourse.


Yeah, yeah, exactly.


So what are you saying? Why are you getting involved? Are you.


What? Yeah, just leave her alone.


Spoke to on the phone.


God, you've not learned from Jesus, have you, Internet? Not learn. You do not learn anything, you lot.


That was a cringe storyline. I have to be fair. It was kind of weird when they. I'm sure that was from the comics, though. Not. It wasn't a book. I'm sure it was a comic.


Well, the panel as well, like the Shmee Skywalker panel is properly, like, weird because it's like Palpatine's just in the background like some wanky uncle, you know, like he's literally in the background there like some sort of weird Nancy Force ghost. And you're like, leave it out. Like, pint of Fosters in one hand, some Port Scratchins in the other. You know what I mean?


Do you know what? He would drink some wanky beer like that as well, you know?


Yeah, he would.


Fosters Carling. No, what was it? Castle main forex.


Castle main forex.


Whatever it was, you know that Lightly bitters. Yeah.


I always sort of think about like that, like if he was to go down the pub. Not always think about it, but sometimes I have thought about it.

Like if he goes down the pub, right, so he's finished work Friday night, he's like sorted, done, shagger corusante, done. Right, Takas pub. Let me get changed.

And he's just there, like brown, brown Chelsea boots, you know, I mean, Diesel jeans, like, whips off the black robes, gets the lightsaber, back pocket, job, wallet, keys, phone, lightsaber tacking. We're out. Do you know what I mean? Got his nice coat on, North Face coat, baseball cap, and then just nipped down the wagon.


So I can't like. Oh, you dressed up. Are we going out?


Tell me, what's the vibe for tonight? Is it. Is it out out or. We're just having a couple Palpatine's, like. Well, you never know what happens, dear.

You know me, I get a bit non touchy after 2:00am Exactly. But someone will be pregnant.


Any luck.


That's how it gets.


Bad sign of a good night.


It is for a lot of people.


Normally it's a pint and a burger at Spoons.


Yeah, it will be for them saving money, but. Yeah, no, not for me. I. I'm a day sesh guy now. Go out at 12 midday, owned by half, 10, 26, five guys, two kebabs of pizza and a sandwich.


Yeah, that's a good. That's a good shout.


Can't eat that in this Uber shagger.


Yeah, goes everywhere. No, you don't want to throw up either.


Well, that's the thing with Ubers as well. You can't hear that in here, man. I'm not nine. I know how to eat. Like, it's fine.


No, they've been burnt one too many times before, mate.


Yeah, but then you've got my mate. Big win. He literally would just throw up in the car. He's allowed to do that, you know what I mean?

Whereas I'm sat there with a piece that's going nowhere apart from in my mouth and like, can't do that. What about him? He's literally sat next to you in the front seat throwing up right now.


You'd capitalize on that though, if you were an Uber driver. You can eat that. You give me a slice. Yeah, go in.


That's not.


I should buy dinner then.


You know, maybe you could do it like, you could be like that guy. You could just buy like extra like, listen, man, got to go at McDonald's. I'll get you a burger. Or I've got in the car, like you said, with a pizza.

I'll use a little six incher for you. And I got your pizza.


It's a win, win. Couple of Bobby Dazzlers. There you go.


Exactly. Yeah.


And this all happens in one night on a work do listener.


Yeah. This is just a Tuesday, Christmas Day. Manchester. We are mate. Ben.


Ah, you're gonna miss all this, aren't you? Me? Every. Every week, all this.


There's no Star wars talk.


No Star wars bollocks. No. Let's talk about Star wars, though.


We should probably.


We should probably do that.


Otherwise we just become one of those bro podcasts that people hate, where it's like, you know, podcast is not just two bros talking about and you're like, well, a lot of time they sort of do do that. Yeah, A lot of the time it's crap, but a lot of the time it's not, you know, different strokes for.


Different folks to rule the world. Indeed. Dude. Luke Skywalker and R2D2.


Hang on. We've not done any of the usual stuff. We've not. We've not. We've not done the like, forward slash support thing. We've not, like done.

What have you done this week in. In Star Wars? Not done any of that. Can't just not do that just because, you know, we're nine minutes in.


You're not the boss of me, all right? I'm running. I'm running things on this episode.


You are, actually.


But what I was just about to say was obviously.


Yeah, funny you mentioned that. I was going to say, Luke Skywalker, what the next words out my mouth were going to be can wait because I got to do this stuff.


Exactly. You read my mind. Hey, make sure that you are following Spark of Rebellion in your preferred podcast app of choice.

Or if you work online, if you're a busy beaver, your work from home, quote, unquote. Work from home. And you've got browsers open, etc, you want to listen online. Spark, rebellion.com. you can listen to all the episodes there as well.

We'd love to have you following the show so that as we move to a seasonal format, you'll get notifications when the new episodes drop and all that jazz. So make sure you're doing that. We're still going to chat Star wars over on the socials we're on these days. I'm just going to can of Facebook.

I'm making a decision now, dude. We're going to count off Facebook because we're not on there that often. Let's just focus on X and Instagram because we chat on those two mainly.

So just go to sparkrebellion.com Twitter or Instagram, give us a follow on there. We chat Star wars throughout the week, months, whatever and post cool little tidbits over there.

And if you want to support Spark Rebellion, if you want to lobb us some beer money, we'll grab a pint the next time we're in person on you guys. Of course you can join Danny, Pascal, Denise or Kev, all you cool guys. Sparfrobrelling.com as Mark interluded earlier support.

And thank you very much to those of you that have jumped on the membership plan. Choose your light or dark side. We'll lob you a sticker in the post, stick it on your laptop or your fridge, not telling you what to do.

Stick it where you like and rep some Spark Rebellion. So that's all the things that Mark told me to do, dude. Luke Skywalker and R2D2 are going to come to Galaxy's Edge at Disneyland park at some point.

So this is one of the kind of biggest shake ups, I guess to the content offering through Galaxy's Edge listeners. You all know what this is. If you don't know.

Galaxy's Edge is a themed area within the Disney parks where you've got all the full size ship models, you've got experiences, you've got Star wars themed cafes and restaurants and it's all very cool and usually it's themed around the sequel trilogy. You've got Rey knocking around, you've got the first Order, Stormtroopers, Kylo Ren, all of those dudes.

But they're going to change it up a little bit. So from March 28 through to May 11 this year, Luke Skywalker and R2D2 are going to be doing some kind of themed appearances there at the park.

So it's the first time that they've injected some classic Star wars stuff there or it's the Luke in between that stuff, who knows. But not a huge amount of details at moment. But this is cool.

And one thing to that's important before you go booking your tickets to fly over to Florida. It's not in Florida. It's not a Disney World important caveat. It's only at Disneyland on the west coast for now.

They might bring it over to Disney World, but there's not too much to go on there's a cool little clip that Disney Parks have put out on their. On their X feed and a few little bits. It's essentially Luke walking up to Millennium Falcon joined by R2. All very cool, Moody.

Nice little bit of music. So, mate, I assume you're going to book your ticket to go and meet Luke.


Oh, God, yeah.


Gosh, you are.


Big time. It's a funny one, this in it. Like when we did Galaxy's Edge over in Thor Lando. It's brilliant. It is good.

But it is all sequel stuff, which is sort of. Alright, I get that. So you do feel like that. You do feel the lack of original and even prequel stuff when you're a certain age. But it's.

There's also like a reasonably good reason for that and that's that most many of the characters from the sequel trilogy, I've got masks on certain main ones. I know we've got Darth Vader and whatever, but. So you can talk about anyone in there. And this is the weird thing with Luke.

Like, it's not going to look like Luke because he's a fella, just a bloke in it.

And you know he's supposed to be Luke, but then you get a picture with Luke and R2 and you're like, well, R2 was already there, so I could just do R2. Anyway, it's fine. So then I'm gonna get home. When? In three weeks. I'm gonna be like, seeing this now. What is it?

Me and Luke, you're like, that's not Luke. Just a fella. Do you know what I mean? So it's great. It's just a fella.


How do we know that Mark Hamill is not doing this? They can't afford that Disney money.


That would be good.


How do you know it's not that?


Nah. For two months? No chance.


Well, what's he doing working?


He was in London at the awards to the night, weren't he?


Yeah, but he's not, you know, Luke's dead. He's not filming any more Star Wars.


No, that's true, actually. But I mean, it could be, but I mean, it's not gonna be. But yeah, that's just the weird thing in it. It's just a weird thing.

It's like, yeah, there was talk about Denzel Washington coming into Star wars and you're like, don't do that. It's a similar sort of thing because then you get an action figure and it's like, Denzel Washington. It's not the characters just Denzel. That's cool.

It's just that big. There's just Denzel.


Yeah. That's unavoidable though, right. With some. Some actors, you know, it is.


And I think it's like, why they don't really cast them as big stars. Sorry. Cast big stars as like some of the main characters. Because it's not always great to have toys of, you know, a massive star. Because people like.

It's like, you know, a hot toys is. It's just Denzel, you know, And I think like Ewan McGregor was. He's massive, obviously, but it was not massive.

Back in 99, he'd only done a few sort of indish films. Trained, spoiling a few others. It was not like mega style, was it?


That's true. Yeah. And you also run into problems, don't you? Like if you're a sideshow or hot toys or something and you start making figures.

Like, what if Kevin Spacy was like a big Star wars actor?


Well, I mean, that's definitely going somewhere. Yeah.


Do you know what I mean? So you got to be careful. I'll read you anyway. Luke turning up at Galaxy's Edge. And I want to make that point very clear because I know. We'll get it.

Email. All right, shaggers. We went to Disney World on your advice to meet Luke. Not there. It's not a Disney World in Florida. It's a Disneyland. California.

The Sunshine State.




Okay. Right. Daisy Ridley on her new Star wars film. This story came in a couple of weeks ago.

We didn't cover it then because it wasn't important, but we'll mention it now just for the sake of archival purposes to refer back to. So she was doing a press tour for her other film no one's heard of.

And she was obviously asked about Star wars and the upcoming change with writers and all that stuff. And she said, I have not read the latest script, but I know what's happening. I know the story.

And I think what feels really good is that George is a phenomenal writer. This was back when George Nolfi. Is he still writer? I can't keep up with what's going on.

She says he's a phenomenal writer and said, I think we're making sure this story is the best. This is the best way. The script is the best way to tell the story. And I think it will be worthwhile for everyone watching it. And I'm very excited.

Yeah. So, mate, as I mentioned earlier, a bit of a non update from Daisy Ridley talking about Star wars, but is George Nofi, the. Is he still on?

I can't remember.


Yeah, he was the guy that we said had taken it over to the day.


Oh, that was him, was it?


Yeah. So it's I think like this is just, this is quite literally the problem with the show that we're having, isn't it?

Because it's the only news that's coming out now. You're getting these little tidbits of like oh there's, you know, which we'll cover later. Like here's this thing that's being sold.

But yeah, we're just getting the. And like she's not gonna come out and go no, it's wank, is she?


Of course, yeah, yeah, she's not going.


To be like, yeah, I'm gonna star in Star wars, get a bit of brass, bit of buns, sort them a garage out, you know, so I'm not paying my hours payments until I die bit in the pension. Keep attacked under the threshold and probably bob a bit into my eyes. But it is shy, it is properly wank.

Like I don't even know why I'm doing it apart from the brass. She's not gonna do that, is she? She's not John Viega.

But what she will say is yeah, it's going to be decent, it's going to be reasonable and guess what else they said that about. That's right. Rise of Skywalker everybody. So yeah, I mean I always look forward to Star wars but I'm never re.

Yeah, I just, I've got nothing on this one just is what it is, man.


Yeah, yeah, you're absolutely right. She's never gonna someone saying the job's.


All right in it.


Yeah, I've read the script and it's satisfactory. You know she's going to say it's amazing and all the rest of it. So yeah, I get that dude.

The only thing I would say is that sometimes actors are just like no, you know when you, they get interviewed, even if these little snippets, even if it's not a full length interview, just red carpet stuff. Sometimes you get the agents and the advisors and stuff that are with them and they're like no questions about that, no question about that.

So that's the only sort of positive thing you can say is that they're still open to answering questions about it. Just to make sure that public aware of it, I guess. But yeah, not a great deal going on.


Yeah, I'm curious about like Celebration. Will we get anything? I mean they're not started filming but Are they going to release tidbits? I just don't know, man.

I don't know what feels Celebration done it. Because, like, there doesn't seem to be that much apart from the TV that's that far on. Like, we'll get more.

I know we'll probably get an Ahsoka teaser, or maybe it's Socrates, maybe. But it just doesn't feel like there's that much going on. So I don't know. I don't know what they're gonna do.

And it's when we said like two years ago, the race stuff would maybe have been further on, you know, and it's just. Yeah, just stagnating, man. But we'll see. We'll see.


Yeah, it could have been. But I think from what we've covered so far the last few months, it's gone back to script.

So they probably won't be able to show anything at Celebration, but I don't know. That's probably going to be the Mandalorian verse stuff at Celebration, I would say.


Oh, yeah. Mando and Grogu stuff's pretty solid, actually. Yeah, it's not a bad shout.


eave this one for celebration:

Look. Powerful women in science fiction are everywhere. Bit of a legend, though. Old Weaver, she was interviewed recently again about something else.

This is so funny, man. Every time these. They go on a tour, a bit of a press junket tour about something else, they get really pissed off. It's like, ah, come on in.

Y'all know you've got a Star wars question. Let's get this out of the way. Of course she was asked about it because she's going to appear in the Mandalorian and Grogu film.

And she says she plays a wonderful character and she's in a position of authority, apparently, whoever she's playing. But a very quick snippet here. She says I get to have scenes with little Grogu, which is probably why I did the movie.

She tells games Radar plus, which is a lie, and he's a little badass, too.

It's going to be wonderful if people see what Grogu is up to now because he's grown up a little bit and he's capable of much more than maybe, we think, just watching the series, which is interesting. So we can take from that, that his force powers have grown, etc.

She went on to, you know, say a Few more bits, but then just want to wrap up to say that she says she was asked why she didn't appear in Star wars sooner because she's been in some massive other franchises and she said she admires Star wars, but she's never sat around wishing that she was in another big franchise because she's been so lucky to being some wonderful ones. But at the time when it was offered, she was delighted and she's a big fan of Jon Favreau, so. And.

And she was already a big fan of the Mandalorian, which is a lie. So a couple of little fibs there, couple little white lies, I reckon. But dude, what do you reckon on Weaver appearing in Star wars then?


It's one of those interesting things where like potentially supporting roles, you know, I just hope it's not like position of authority because she says I'm going to send the Mandalorian out on a task to the Outer Rim. That's part of the interview, like she said. I just hope it's not like, oh, position of authority. Gravitas actor. Oh, it was.

The twitch is a bad person. Like. Sure, that's just obvious. So I just hope it's not that.

But generally speaking, like anyone that's in, you know, back to that, what we said a second ago, like, if she's a supporting character, getting people like that of major Gravitas, I think he's always a good thing because it's those kind of roles that can let films and TV series down.

If you've got like, like the acolyte across the board was generally averagely acted apart from Khmer, that was like just hamming it up and was brilliant with it. And it's when you've got like any, any.

For me, any kind of media property, TV movie style property can sort of falter a little bit with one or two actors if there's gravitas throughout the cast. And it just feels like people like Sigourney Weaver and potentially supporting, more supporting roles. And I'm assuming it's a sporting role.

It might not be, but it just. It always just adds a layer of quality, I think, like, she could hate the rules. She could not.

It could be a bad role, it could be a bad movie, but she's not going to be bad because she's gone.




So I think. I always think it's quite a good idea. It's like the old Superman issue, isn't it?

You know, Christopher Reeve was an unknown, but Gene Hackman really wasn't, you know.




And yeah, yeah. There was, there was a lot of that, that sort of went on back then and I, I, yeah, I, I just know. I think that's just always a wise move.

Especially because like Pascal's probably not going to take his mask off that often. He might do so it doesn't really matter whether it's him under there or not. It's probably not going to be that much.

I would imagine they'll be doing a lot of voiceover stuff and that's probably it. Maybe a little, you know, mask off appearance and if he's allowed to do that anymore, whatever.

So it's, there might just not be a ton of star power which I think is like the risk as well for it being a movie because it's, it's, it's interesting with Amanda movie because you sort of like my mum was used to watching this on Disney plus and she liked it because it was in Disney plus. It's like high quality Star wars on Disney plus. But can I get, can I be asked getting my shoes and I'm going out to the cinema to see it?

Probably not. Just wait till it comes on Disney plus because that's where I watch the Mandalorian.

So it's, it's I, I worry that this will die a death in the box office regardless of whether it's brilliant or not because it comes from Disney plus. So I think inserting people like Sigourney Weaver is also a player to be like, aha, need some faces on posters, you know.

So yeah, yeah, it's a, it's a bit of a complex beast.

It's a very interesting decision they've made to turn it into a theater based film because the risk is that it gets battered from a box office perspective. A bit like Solo, you know, didn't make the money that they wanted it to make to be classed as a quote unquote success.

But actually it's pretty decent and, and whatever else. So yeah, I, I feel it's, it's, I feel it's as much a marketing play as it is.

You know, we need someone, a gravitas in the cast could be because they're bloody good as well. So it'll be interesting. Dude.


Yeah, now you're right. It's a bit like a bit like Goldblum these days. Excuse me.

You know, he doesn't really have like a big lead in roles in films these days but he turns up in Wicked for like the last half an hour because he's Goblin. You need that big sort of name on the as you said on the post and stuff. So. Yeah, I certainly get that dude. And I just wonder if. Yeah.

Such an interesting point you make around the risk of putting it in, in cinemas because I don't know, I think the fear is a lot of people these days are like, they've got that exact attitude towards it where it's like it will probably be on Disney plus within I don't know how many months, not that long. So do you just save your money, wait for it to land on there? And that's the annoying thing as well about cinema.

Like Hollywood and all those dudes that are like, piracy is ruining everything. Well, it's not really that much anymore. Like back in the day, like all your mates were on Pirate Bay and Limewire, whatever, grabbing all your films.

Sure, back then it was.

But these days it's like it's you lot that's, you know, if you're gonna put a film out in the cinema and then literally five weeks later put it on all the things like Apple, you know, you know, all that stuff, then what do you expect? I don't know. Anyway, bigger conversation.


But it's a good point though, actually. Just. Yeah. To trap on, to wrap on that quickly though. Just a quick thought is that you're right. Is that because.

So fewer people are going to the cinema, the movie, the prices of the cinema have to go up to cover the costs of it.

Which means that fewer people are going to go because they're already playing a fortune for multiple streaming services which in turn are putting the prices up because in order to keep the streaming services working really well, they have to produce big budget HBO level stuff.

And by virtue of doing that, the producing stuff, that cinema quality stuff on tv, which in turn pulls more people out the cinema, which pushes those prices up and just it's this kind of weird cycle. It's interesting. Like I've been really in the midst of Game of Thrones at the minute.

I've never, I watched season one and then never snap and it's mint and I've never actually, I watched up to season four to be honest, and then thought, you know what, I'm gonna stop and then binge it again. So I did. That's what I'm doing now. And just the scale of that.

And I mean, I know it's HBO and HBO has always done that stuff, but the scale of it is now like the standard on streaming. Yeah. Especially for big IP and. And everything's got a HBO budget. Everything's got HBO level quality. And you know the cast is movie star cast. So it's.

Yeah, it's a really odd thing to just like, I'm not that bothered about seeing the new Captain America in the. In the. In the theater. Like, I just don't really be asked.

It would take like Avengers or Spider man probably and Superman and stuff like that for me to go there in terms of pop culture. So, yeah, it's an interest. Is an interesting problem. Like you said, a bigger, bigger issue for later. But it's. I think that the.

It's interesting through the lens of Star wars because it pertains to this whole plan that Star wars reset itself and was like, you know what? We're gonna do smaller quality stuff.

And then they suddenly like, well, we're actually gonna put this in the cinema and kind of forget what we'd said a little bit about doing smaller quality stuff. And we're gonna go big budget.

I suppose the only caveat is, is, you know, there's the Heir to the Empire stuff that's clearly tied to Ahsoka and clearly tied to Mandalorian and Grogu.

Is it just a way of people or them trying to get people used to seeing those characters on the big screen so that when Thrawn turns up and it's heir to the Empire, they think, all right, okay, that's a follow up to that film.




Which is inherent with, you know, sort of comes. Comes with these inherent problems of.

Well, do I need to have seen the four scenes of Mando and Booker, Boba Fett and one season of Ahsoka to go and watch this film? Because if so, I'm not going to spend the money. So. Yeah, very, very odd, man. Very interesting decision.


Yeah. Interesting strategy. See if it plays out for him. Yeah. That's so weird though, dude. I'm also watching Game of Thrones.

I just downloaded the lot on Sky.


Yeah, same.


Just dumped a lot on going through it.


Have you seen it again? Have you seen it before?


Yeah, not all of it. I watched the first two seasons when it was first coming out. You know, it is fucking good years ago, but it's a very.

Well, it's just boobies and dragons and it is that. That is all that, you know, it's like a guy's perfect TV program in a way.


It is the stories and just. There are just a couple of. A couple of episodes in it, dude, that are absolutely just unbelievable. Like, just unbelievable stuff.

I like the entire series is stunning. But there's. There's three episodes in particular stand out for me and you're like, wow. Like, holy crap, that's proper.


It's cast property as well. Like, there's a couple of characters early on that really got the memo that they wanted the viewer to hate them.


Oh, God. Dude. There's two characters throughout three, probably throughout the entire series. And you're like, water prick.

And you know, you just want bad stuff to happen to him.




And they're so well written and well acted and. And it's like, I won't ruin it.

But there's a couple of characters that come in later and you're like, I thought that one were bad, but Jesus, this one is bad. It's. It's mint. It is mint.


I think I got up to where. Who's the guy who got his hand chopped off?


Oh, Jamie Lannister.


Yeah, Lannister. Yeah. He's in cahoots with the woman that played Phasma. Phasma.


Brianna of Tarth.


Yeah, yeah, that's it. They were in a hot tub.


Good stuff to come, man.


They were chilling out in some hot tub. That's where I got up to last time I watched it.


You're actually pretty. That's season five, I think.


Oh, wow.


So after that it gets like. Season six is by far the best season. It's amazing. So anyway, yeah, anyway, Game Thrones cast welcome everyone.


Yeah, it's a shame that the two guys that did that didn't work out, their Star wars project with whoever was in charge because that would have been cool because they're obviously very good at that stuff. Character driven, you know. Anyway. Oh dear. Finish up on a couple of stories. Man, we love these type of stories because it's like jell.

It's like the green eyed monster reading it. The old Star wars auctions that happen with these screen used original replicas that go for silly money. There's a couple here.

The first one is an extremely rare saying. That quote from the article Star wars medal that Luke Skywalker wore after he destroyed the Death Star in Star Wars.

So the big ceremony at the end when Leia gives them the medals and stuff, Luke's one is apparently gone up for auction. It could sell, they reckon up to four for up to £476,000 here in the UK. Yep. So this is prop store again.

These guys normally get these kind of things in. He says that it's got a special place in cinematic history. Of course it goes on sale even though it's a UK auction.

It goes on sale in Los Angeles next month and the estimate is going to start at $300,000 and it will go up to $600,000. And it comes from the collection of props master Gerard Bouck, who worked on the original Star wars films when they were shot at Elstree Studios.

So this is absolutely legit, 100% legit thing. And they say it's the first and only medal to be offered for public sale since the movies were released. So there's that, which is cool.

And then the other prop which is going under the. The old hammer. Need your neck of the woods, dude. Up in North Yorkshire apparently is a mint condition replica of Princess Leia's blaster.

And this one's not quite as pricey, but anyway, Rydale auctioneers estimate it will go between 600 quid and a thousand pounds. This is the auction house in Kirby Mouldside. You probably know where that is. I don't, but. So yeah, dude, a couple of goodens up for sale, man.

I assume you're gonna, you're gonna have a punt just for the crack, knowing that you're not gonna get it, but you put a punt in anyway.


I probably would. Probably would get it. No, no, I'm not gonna. This is quite cool stuff. Yeah, it's only about.

The second one's only about an hour from us up, up in, like I said, up in Naf Yorkshire. These are quite cool little things actually. You sort of, you wonder like, are these a genuine investment? Like will they go up in price?

You never sort of know with stuff like this, especially the blaster, because it's really clearly, you know, you, a lot of people will recognize the form of that blaster and see it. Even people aren't necessarily massive, massive fans. And the metal obviously, inevitably is, is a great bit of kit as well.

I mean the person to buy that's chewing is like, I'm having that, you know, didn't get one. So who's laughing now? So sell the falcon. But yeah, no, I think I, I always like seeing stuff like this come up.

I think that it's quite fascinating to see that these things are still dotting around and people are still, you know, still give a crap about them. I think that it's always nice to see that they've survived and someone's looking after them and. And hopefully that continues.

Yeah, I do wonder like the Layer Blast. I think the Layer Blaster would be the one that I'd probably have a little, little smasher. I think that, that what would sell that one was going for.

I mean that's only a grand. I'd Be all right with that.


I only made.


Look at hot toys. The price of hot toys.


Exactly. Yeah. You buy a few of them pushing a grand. Yeah.

So this is not important note on this one listener, if you're thinking about having a go at this as well. It's not a screen used item, it's a replica. But it's a legit replica that they proper job.


Yeah, yeah.


They only made a couple of thousand of them and according to the auction house, they rarely come up for obvious reasons. If you get one of these, you're going to keep hold of it, of course. So that's pretty cool. And yeah, chuffing eck. Miss out on that.

You'll be Marty, wouldn't you? Yeah, you will.


If you want to be Mardi. You'd be like mildly grumpy.


Mildly grumpy.


You'd be like, oh, you slag.


Oh, God. Yeah. You wouldn't sleep over it, I guess.


No, make a brew.


You'd be like, ah, make it brew. Proper coffee tap on here.


Don't like coffee, man. You know.


You know what? Mark is not a coffee drinker.


I wish I liked it because I walk into Starbucks or any, any absolute coffee shop in London where it's like, you've got to wear your tweed jacket, your top hat, part your unicycle outside and just bring your little poodle in with. And you walk in, you're like, oh, yes, squire, can I have a brew, please?

And they're like, yeah, man, you just behind these 26 macchiatos with donkey milk and two lots of cats fur in them, you know, Bon Jovi size cups and 42 croissants and you're like, tea bag and a bit of water. Should I just pop it in a cup? I don't want to wait six months for this.

So I don't like coffee in multiple ways, the taste nor the concept of twati coffee shops. But I will take a brew off.


Your hands all day long in a little polystyrene cup.


I do ask for a takeout cup more often than not, you know, because it keeps it a bit warmer.


Yeah, yeah. First time I met Mark in, in down in that London.


Oh, ldn.


I think it's like Leicester Square or something around that area. I was like, dude, let's go for a coffee. He's like, don't drink it, mate. And I was like, oh, here we go. He's one of them. Here we go.

Let's go and get you a chai latte or a. No, no, gray Whatever you want, it's fine.


Can't cope with it. Just a normal brew. It does piss me off, man. And then you go to America.


No, here we go.


And it's like, hey, man, can I get you a coffee with the breakfast? Like, no, I'll have a tea, please. And, like, no worries. And they bring you like a lemon tea or an Earl Gray.

And they're like, do you want milk with that? They bring you cream or half enough. I'm like, like, I went to.

When we went to Orlando for work earlier this year, I'm like, right, 42 tea bags in the bag. Yes. Single, packed. And then every time I went down to breakfast, I'm like, listen up. I need semi skim milk, dude.

I don't want any cream, I don't want skim milk. I don't want your egg whites. I don't want any of that. Bring me this right big hot water. And they did. And my trip was a lot better for it.


Good. Yeah, yeah. That's a sign of a seasoned traveler. Me and the missus do that. We always take tea bags. Oh, you've got to do always. Yeah.


Single, packed. Yeah. One thing I do get my.


Oh, yeah, yeah. One thing I do appreciate about North America, though, with the tea is sometimes I have a little bottle of honey out.




So if you're not like, I used to have sugar in my tea years ago, but I don't anymore. But every now and then, just a little squidge. Little squidge.


Oh, no. Why would you ruin it?


Because. Oh, God, I like it. Not all the time. Just as a little treat.


Well, different strokes for different folks, which is fine.


You can tell, listener, can't you, that Marcus just said, you're wrong. A born and bred hardcore, proper brew. No nonsense, no around with it. Just give me a cup of tea. Yeah, I appreciate it. I respect that.


A lot of people do get it wrong. They're like, how do you like your tea? I'm like, strong. So what they'll do is they put a little.

They just basically leave the tea bag in for 30 seconds and don't put much milk in because they think that that means strong. And I'm like, minimum three minute brew plenty of milk to offset it, to complement it. Yeah. Strength does not preclude milk. Calm yourself. Brew it up.

You're making 42 of these donkey milk macchiatos for this little hipster guitar player that's walking around. You've got time. Brew me tea properly. I've paid two pound fifty for this. Yeah. And there's no reward card, so give me a proper brew.

And that were it didn't happen in the end.


This is a problem with Kath. Every single video that you see from her turning up at the sound stage to have a look what's going on, whatever.

Always a large Starbucks of something. Just have a proper brew, Cath. Have a nice cup of tea.


I reckon we could do like book a meeting with Kath. Just be like, kk. She's like, what? Listen, we'll whip you over, take you out for a nice, all you can eat Italian meal.

Do what you want, get calzone if you want, whatever, doesn't matter to me. And then come round our house, got a spare bedroom, just decorated. It's got feature wall shagger.

Yeah, Put what you want on it, bring your own gear and we'll leave you well alone. However, we'll nip out for a brew property, have a little chin wag about Star Wars. You make some notes, yeah. Get it written down, use Apple notes.

Very good.

Whip yourself back home, get a meeting together over there, Take a couple of these individually wrapped tea bags, get them all on it, sit down, whip your notes out, sort it all out, scheduling done. Next 10 years of star Wars. Just announce it next month, it's fine. What's that going to cost you? A couple of grand? Yeah, worth it.


You couldn't be more correct if you tried, mate.


That's what's wrong with Star Wars.


That's what's wrong. There's not enough proper brews going around. Wasn't there an advert that what his face did for Yorkshire tea?


Sha Bean, Sean Bean. Talking about that lad in it. Yeah, your proper brew.


He got killed in Thrones, didn't he?


I know, I was livid as well. I really like Sean Bean. I think he's a right guy.

I remember him from, like When Saturday Comes, the Chef United football film, where he's like, it's the classic, like, I'm a. I'm just a washed up plumber. Yeah, I used to play a bit as a kid, but it's not for me, you know, I couldn't. I couldn't possibly.

And then it's like, yeah, of course, wins FA cup or something. So, yeah, it's. It's like class. It is. Classic 90s Northern film. Like when everything was full Monty and all that stuff.


Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.


Which is like, he's the guy. Robert Baratheon is the guy from Full Monty as well, which is hilarious.


Yeah, that's a right film as well.


It'S a right film, yeah.


American, Canadian, Australian, maybe. Not Australian listeners. What are you guys talking about? They probably have no clue.


But just watch some old 90s English films with Sean Bean. And then because everyone's like, oh, he's in Game of Thrones and he's in Lord of the Rings, he's like, no, he's not easy.

When Saturday comes and the Yorkshire tea adverts, you sort of seem dotted around Sheffield sometimes, you know, and you. You can like, I never. I've never been close enough to talk to him, but if I was, I'd just do. I'd be like, all right, Sean. And.

But I have seen it happen where it'll be like a Saturday afternoon. Is he often. Or used to go to, like, the Chef United games.

So you'd see him in the city center, and he'd just be having a drink and stuff, and someone would, you know, say something, and he was always solid. He'd just be like, somebody blow. All right, Sean, how's it going? And just go, all right, that was it.

But no one hassles him because he's clearly hard as.


Yeah, yeah. You won't mess with him. No.


And even if he's not that hard, he looks it. And because he's getting older as well, he's just looking harder and harder and harder and harder. And you're like, you know what?

You have your beer in Wetherspoons. Matt.


Yeah, respectfully, yeah. Enjoy your afternoon, mate.


All the other celebs are getting hassled, you know, I mean, Jarvis Cocker comes to Sheffield again, he's getting hassled and stuff because he's like, you know, he's not gonna. He's not gonna batter you, is he? And Sean Bean. Sean Bean's just, like, got this massive perimeter circle. No bodyguards. It's just because he's hard.


I love Sean Bean. He's a great guy.


I do. As well. He should be in Star Wars. Why is he not in Star Wars? Imagine him as a Jedi. Well, fucking hell, not this again. The Sith chuffing everywhere.

That. Joking.


What would you prefer, though, in Star Wars? His natural accent or the Boromir from Lord of the Rings, where he's a bit more.

Because in Star wars, they do have a habit of doing the classic old British accent.


They really do.


So he can do both. Yeah. Range.


Yeah. It's still northern in Lord of the Rings, isn't it? Clearly, every time it slips out.




But I would prefer him as just this Northern guy, you know, he Whips up. It's like, oh, you know, Master Bina, you've been summoned to the Jedi Council. You know, I mean, you're just like Master Beano. Long time been away.

You have. It's like years shagger overnight. Couldn't believe it. Jocasta knew we're in there. I said, I don't want to get some snapper or what?

Just are all this in here? She said, no, I can't. I said they were. I've not seen it for 24 years and they're saying now I'm not having this.

That's why I've come to see the Order, love. That's why I've come to see the sweaty tart shagger. How's this, dude?


I'm getting over a cold. Don't make me laugh because my chest is hurting.


Oh, he would be hilarious in that.


Just that opening bit. Yeah, it's been parsec shagger.


I woke in a duck kessel run and all. But nobody's doing that no more, are there?


Would it be. Would it be the usual sign off that you do a lot like just quietly later.


All right. You're the love mercy. Good to see the. Nice to see the fisto. All right, I'll see the. And then just lit.

But like just turns around, pisses off and there's just his apprentice there. Like what the has just happened? Like this really well spoken little alien kid is like master, you know, bewilderment throughout. How's that, Anakin?

Like getting on anyway, all right? Is it doing all right? Is it R40? We're going to be all right. Little bastard. You know when he come in with that ball there.

But I said we've just sort that out. We're not having that. We're not having that.


Oh, genius, man. Kath, come on. We've got it all here.




Oh, cool. On that nice chirpy, funny note, let's end episode 242four for not the last time, but the last full on weekly time. We'll say goodbye for 214.

Thank you very much for sticking with us over the years as we've plotted through mostly every week to bring you all the Star wars news and all the. All the MacGuffins that's been going on within the world of Star Wars. We are going to change it up a little bit.

As I said at the beginning of this episode, we're moving to a seasonal thing and we will be back at some point towards the end of April to give you the skinny on what happened at Star Wars Celebration over in Japan. So hoping for some big announcements, but with the caveats, the asterisk that they're sensible with it.

Don't want to see like 50 announcements for 20 films and all that stuff knowing that only one of them is going to make it through. So here's hoping they're sensible with that.

We'll give you all the updates on that and then we'll be back again at some point in June, beginning of June, around that time to talk About Andor Season 2 and to get some people on the show, chat Star wars, some cool interviews and some other cool bits. So we'll be back then. So, dude, it's been good. Good laugh, this one.


Yeah, good crack, innit? When there's no real Star wars news, it's like, right, we'd better do a show about something. We'll digress. We'll digress. Yeah.

I'm looking forward to the new format, man. We've got a couple of guests that I'm gonna try and get on.

We spoke about them before offline, but there's certainly two of them that are chomping at the bit, which I think were really, really interesting. And we'll do the andor recap as well as part of that first quote unquote proper season back.

But the celebration stuff, fascinated to see what that'll be like. A little bit good.

We're not going to Celebration in Japan, but it's just, you know, London was easy because there's no jet lag and real major time cost or actual cost. So we'll see what comes out of that as well, dude. But yeah, looking forward to it.

And if anything, I think if anything major happened as well, just a little caveat, like if anything major does happen in the meantime, like if there's a big news story drop that's really big enough to warrant it, we might just dive in with a bit of an episode on it as well. So never say never.


Yeah, very true. It's not the last time you'll hear us dive in and talk about Star wars, of course. So.

And once again, make sure that you're following the the the podcast so you don't miss notifications when these new episodes do drop in the near future. And lastly, thank you so much to you guys that have lobbed us a load of beer money. So sometimes rent money, sometimes mortgage money.

It's been very much appreciated to you guys if you want to do the same. That's SparkleBullion.com support and thank you very much for that. So until we see you again soon, take care of yourselves.

And may the Force be with you always.

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Kevbot Loves Lobot and Probot £5
Won 5 credits on an Imperial scratch card (found three Chewbacca heads in a line) and thought, instead of spunking it on Blur Milk, I’d give it to you
Kevinski Wangwaiver. £5
I’ve only gone and won a game of Sabacc against bloody Lando Calrissian (the suave devil) and wanted to send you some well needed Mon Cal Flans.
See Threepekev. £3
Bloody Jabba The Hutt forced me to change my details with the Trade Federation. Didn’t want you guys taking out a bounty on my head.
Kevy Wank Enobi £5
Found a few Aldhani credits. Could have gone to Canto Bight and spent a night with a Sulustian at Space Hooters but thought it’s better spent here.
Kev £5
Cheers guys. Love ya more than Jar Jar getting frisky with a Jawa.
Anonymous £3
Great hosts make a great show! Keep it coming 👍🏼
Garry A £10
The feeling is mutual, Mark, love it! Here's my "Creator Contribution" :)
Mark A $10
Loving creating the show with you, Gaz, so wanted to show my appreciation!
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About the Podcast

Spark of Rebellion, A Star Wars Podcast
The weekly Star Wars news roundup for busy fans who want to stay up to date!
For all the Star Wars enthusiasts out there, we've got your weekly fix! Life can get busy, but don't let it keep you from your first love – Star Wars. Spark of Rebellion is here to bridge the gap, delivering a comprehensive roundup of Star Wars news in a digestible and fun format.

Whether you're a prequel aficionado, original trilogy devotee, or sequel enthusiast, our podcast covers it all – from movies and animation to books, comics, and the latest rumours circulating in the galaxy far, far away!

Produced by Garry Aylott and Mark Asquith, the podcast releases every single Saturday. Whether you're commuting, hitting the gym, walking the dog, or just tidying up at home, Spark of Rebellion is your go-to Star Wars companion, ensuring you stay connected to the epic universe you adore!

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About your hosts

Garry Aylott

Profile picture for Garry Aylott
Garry is a senior designer with 15+ years of experience, currently Head of Design at Captivate. His love of pop culture is infectious, as heard in his podcasts about Star Wars, Doctor Who, classic British sci-fi, and more. You’ll find him travelling, gaming, and appreciating a bloody good cup of tea.

Mark Asquith

Profile picture for Mark Asquith
Mark is a pop culture geek with a love for anything with good mythology. He loves talking Star Wars past, present and future and is also the founder of podcast company Rebel Base Media, who make Captivate.fm.